26 th EurOMA Conference

Operations adding value to society

17th - 19th June 2019, Helsinki, Finland

Organisers: Dr Veronica Martinez and Prof Constantin Blome


This workshop aims to help researchers, particularly young scholars, to give feedback and recommendations on their early development papers. This first EurOMA & IJOPM developmental paper workshop is targeting papers in the fields of manufacturing and/or services. To better help the young writers, this workshop offers twenty places.

The workshop is a two-phases event lasting one and a half hour. In the first phase, which lasts 30 mins, an expert panel of five experienced scholars will share their best practices and recommendations in the art of academic writing for scholarly journals. In the second phase, which lasts 60 mins, the group is divided into five round tables of 4 participants. Each round table is led by an experienced academic writer previously participated as panelist. In the round tables, participants need to give a 5 min pitch on their papers. Followed by ten minutes discussion and recommendations from experienced writer and participants. The workshop will finish with some concluding remarks from the workshop organizers.

To apply for this developmental workshop, you need to prepare an abstract of 100-150 words of your developmental paper. On the top of your abstract-page include a) the working title of your paper under-development, b) the research field of your paper (manufacturing and/or services) and c) Position (e.g. PhD student or early career scholar). Title, field and position are excluded from the 100-150 word-count. Submit your abstracts before the 22nd Jan, 2019 directly Veronica Martinez (vm338@cam.ac.uk) and Constantin Blome (c.blome@sussex.ac.uk). Preference is given to young academics with papers in the specified field(s), then followed by first-come first-serves selection. Selected participants will be informed on the 26th February, 2019

Selected participants for this workshop will need to submit at minimum one to two-page proposal outlining the paper and key sections and expected contributions of the paper, however, longer proposals and working papers are also permissible. In the top left hand of the first page of the proposal indicate the Name of the author(s) and research area (services and/or manufacturing). The deadline for submissions of the two-page proposal is 31st May 2019. These proposals need to be directly submitted to the workshop organizers (email addresses listed above). It is important to note that these proposals are not linked to the conference proceedings, however participants have to be registered for the main conference.

This is a developmental practice to support early stage writers in their academic careers from EurOMA society & IJOPM.